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Glasses cases

Glasses case
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We offer you a choice of leather cases for sunglasses and classic glasses. Cases thought out to the last detail by the master and experts! Large selection of colors, convenient and practical functionality. There is a metal rod that will protect your glasses from mechanical damage (it does not allow pressing the glasses when closing the eyeglass case).Buy glasses case You can place your order on our website by filling out a simple form. Stylish cases for glasses from genuine leather. We are responsible for the quality of our products and give a 1 year warranty.

We offer you manufacturinginscribed cases for glasses, put your name, surname on the case by embossing on the skin. It is also possible to apply wishes or declarations of love by the method of engraving (burning).

Individual tailoring of a case by your sizes and sketches is possible.

Production time: 1 day, delivery period: 1-2 (depends on the chosen method of delivery).

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