Наш сайт використовує файли cookie і схожі технології, щоб гарантувати максимальну зручність користувачам, надаючи персоналізовану інформацію, запам'ятовуючи переваги в області маркетингу та продукції, а також допомагаючи отримати правильну інформацію.


Ultra laptop bag, black
Ultra laptop bag, black
Ultra laptop bag, black
Ultra laptop bag, black
Ultra laptop bag, black
Ultra laptop bag, black
SKU code: 152
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Bag Morgan, black
SKU code: 151
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Портфель Morgan, шоколадний
SKU code: 151-850-851
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Портфель Morgan, коричневий
SKU code: 151-850
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Antik briefcase, brown
SKU code: 301-1
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Antik mini briefcase, chocolate
SKU code: 308
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Antik black briefcase
SKU code: 301
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Are you looking for a leather briefcase for documents or for a laptop? You got to the address! Large selection of portfolios from the Ukrainian manufacturer POHVALIN, can be tailored to order in individual sizes, skin color is also your choice. Production of a nominal portfolio is possible (with drawing in the form of your name, a logo of firm, the favorite phrase or a declaration of love). Please note that when ordering a product with embossed on our website you pay a one-time amount of 300 UAH. for making cliches, in the future you can order any other product with the same embossing and it will be free of charge.

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